Exploratoriet Science Center


Explore, experiment and experience technology and science in a playful way.

Experience, explore and discover in our interactive exhibitions. Experiment in the water park, experience the stars inside our planetarium, drive a tractor, challenge your friends on the climbing wall and build in 4Dframe. These are some examples of the interactive activities that you can do in our exhibition hall of 800 square meters.

Explore, discover and experience in our other interactive exhibitions.

More information about Exploratoriet Science Center can be found here.

Contact information


Phone: +46-910715452

E-mail: info@exploratoriet.se
Website: exploratoriet.se

Opening hours

During school holidays, we are often open every day and have longer opening hours. Current opening hours can be found at exploratoriet.se

Price information

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Price information can be found at exploratoriet.se


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Park in the parking lot next to the museum.