Cross-country skiing & ski tracks in Skellefteå


Skellefteå offers one of Sweden's best cross-country skiing systems up on Vitberget for those who want to go cross-country skiing. There is a wide range of easy tracks for families and exercisers, but also really tough and hilly ones for those who train hard and compete. In addition, there are about 30 additional tracks around the municipality that are run by associations and enthusiasts, which gives more people the opportunity to go cross-country skiing regularly. 

Large variety & preserved snow on Vitberget

Vitberget is a real gem for skiing. For those who mainly go cross-country skiing in the evening, there are 16 km of continuous lighted tracks on Vitberget, Moröhöjden and Sjungande dalen, and for those who ski during the day there are many more kilometres of varying ski tracks with nice slopes heading south with the city as backdrop. In addition, Skellefteå is one of the few places in Sweden that preserves snow from the previous season, which means that the skiing season can start even before the first snow falls.

Skiing tracks in the municipality

Skellefteå municipality's villages and communities count many enthusiasts, especially when it comes to cross-country skiing. Driven people in associations who ensure that we can keep more than 120 km ski tracks in the municipality every winter.


Freedom to roam

The Swedish freedom to roam is fantastic! It makes it possible for everyone to practice outdoor life and move freely and easily in nature, but it also places certain demands on those who visit it. Read more about the possibilities and obligations of the right of public access here.

3 tips for cross-country skiing with kids

1. Equipment

To give children the best start in skiing, it's important that they have equipment suited to their height and weight. Since kids grow quickly, the equipment may need to be upgraded often, sometimes every winter, though skis can usually be used for two seasons. Make sure the ski boots are comfortable and keep their feet warm, but avoid boots that are too large and may slip.
Invest in skin skis from the start instead of waxless skis with "fish scales," as skin skis provide better grip and glide and move more quietly. Skis with fish scales, however, are suitable for very young children under three years old.


2. Make training fun

When skiing with children under 10, it’s more important to focus on fun rather than covering long distances. Make training playful and supportive by creating obstacle courses and using ski poles, sticks, or gloves as props. Practice weight transfer by skiing without poles and let kids try skating for variety. Keep sessions short and frequent to maintain their interest and have them looking forward to the next time.
Teach kids to crouch down and take on downhill slopes in a sitting position for better stability. Encourage them to lean forward to avoid falling backward. If they do fall, the impact is often minor due to the low center of gravity.


3. Make it an adventure

For most people, skiing is about more than just exercise; it's about experiencing nature and spending time together, and this is just as important for the youngest skiers. Pack some snacks in a backpack, explore the surroundings, and treat your time together as an adventure rather than a workout. Call it "going skiing" instead of "ski training" to set the right tone.

Tips before cross-country skiing trainings for kids and young people

Skellefteå - The cradle of skiing

It may be a bit presumptuous to say that Skellefteå is the cradle of skiing. That everything started here thousands of years ago, but the fact is that the world's oldest preserved ski, the Kalvträsk ski, was found in Kalvträsk outside Skellefteå in the early 20th century. It is dated to 3,200 BC. and is thus over 5,200 years old. No one can take away from us the fact that cross-country skiing culture has been a strong popular movement here for centuries and it is probably also the basis for the commitment that exists around the municipality where associations and enthusiasts maintain nice lighted tracks winter after winter.